Mission And Vision Statement

At Belle Aire Ministry Partners, our goal is to make a difference in the lives of people by introducing them to the principles and rules of humanity established by GOD, accepting the Grace and peace offered by Jesus Christ by following the examples set by Jesus Christ and working with partners to accomplish our goal.

We do this with several different programs.


Families At The Crossroads

For the inmate and the ex-inmate we offer programs on Fatherhood Development, The 180 Program and the Truth Project.  All of these programs are designed to introduce the concept of taking responsibility for themselves and their family.   While not established as of yet, we have the name www.familiesatthecrossroads.org reserved for future use.


Children At The Crossroads

For the children of offenders, we have established the Children at the Crossroads program.  Patterned after the Prison Fellowship Angel Tree program.  Again this program is designed to bridge the gap between the inmate and their children.  We have a website for this program: www.ChildrenattheCrossroads.org.  The name of the program truly identified where these children are in life, at the crossroads!

Employ TN

To assist with employment training and job readiness, we have the EmployTN program.  This program would provide employment assistance and job readiness training to those looking for work or needing to change their work environment. The web names of www.employTN.org and www.employTN.net are reserved.  

Seniors At The Crossroads

While not developed as of yet, we also have the name www.seniorsatthecrossroads.org reserved for future development. 


Belle Aire Ministry also offers provide instruction to courses on financial literacy and first time home-buyer education for those that have a need.

All programs designed to enhance one’s understanding of Bible truths, and the unique skill sets that God designed each person with.
God designed each person to fulfill a unique role in the world development.  We want to help each person reach that understanding and assist each person with their connection back to God.


5016 Spedale Court
Suite 303
Spring Hill, TN  37174
Phone:  (615) 562-2267
Fax:  (615) 302-3912